Bidding Participant - Add New Contact

Suggested Prior Reading

Bidding - Overview

Bidding Participant Contacts - Overview

Bidding Messaging List - Accessing

Bidding Messaging List - Overview

Bidding - Add Participant

To add a New Contact and add them to the Bidding Participant List:

  1. From the Bid Messaging List (see Bidding Messaging List - Accessing), click the Add Participants button.
  2. From the Add Participant drop down list, click Add New Contact.

The New Bid Participant Form displays.

New Bid Participant - Form

There are multiple sections on the New Bid Participant form:

  • Contact Details - where the contact information is entered

There are also additional sections, displayed in a collapsed view and that can be expanded:

  • Additional Company Details (optional will show only if there are custom fields setup for the Company)
  • Company Attachments
  • Additional Contact Details (optional will show only if there are custom fields setup for the Contact)
  • Trades
  • Work Areas

There is also:

  • User Details - when the user can be sent an email to sign up to the link

The Additional Company Details (if showing), Company Attachments, Additional Company Details (if showing), Trades and Work Area sections can be expanded out and collapsed as needed and information entered when they are expanded out.

Some fields can be turned on or off to display by the Administrator, so not all fields may appear for all organizations.

When a new contact is added, it is automatically selected to send a message to.

Contact Details

Enter the Contact Details as required:

Standard Fields




A Bid Participant can be active or not active. The following are the details about setting it to non active. However, during the initial add, it will likely be left as active.

If it is set to non active, it will appear in Bid Participant lists with its rows highlight red and struck through and it can't be selected.

If it is set to non active, it will appear in other Contacts Lists with a strike thru font. This is just a visual indicator to indicate the company/company has been set to non active. It can still be selected.

Company Name

The name of the Company if applicable. This is an optional field.


Click in the drop down to select the Type of Contact.

Administrators manage the Types of Contacts and the permissions associated with each Type of Contact.

Contact Name

The name of the Contact. This is a required field. This is for both the first and last name of the Contact and should be entered First Name first, then last name.


Enter the title for the Contact. This is optional.

Address 1

Enter the address for the Contact. This is optional.

Address 2

Enter a second address for the Contact if required. This is optional.


Enter the City for the Contact. This is optional.


Enter the State or Province for the Contact. This is optional.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code for the Contact. This is optional.


Enter the Country for the Contact. This is optional.


Enter the land line phone number for the Contact or the company main phone number. This is optional. If this Contact is copied to a new one using the Copy Contact function, this field will be copied.


Enter the extension for the Contact. This is optional.


Enter the cell for the Contact.


Enter the fax for the Contact. This is optional.


The email for the Contact. This is a required field.

Selection Status

In various functions in the system to do with Contacts, there are options to select all Contacts (such as on the Contacts List when doing functions like sending a request for all contacts to update their contact information). This option is used to turn on or off, whether the Contact is included in the select all option.

If its ON, then the contact will be automatically selected in a select all contacts function (but the contact can still be individually deselected).

If its OFF, then the contact will not be included in the select all contacts function (but the contact can still be individually selected).

Labor Status

This is a field with a preset list of system values to choose from (i.e. they can not be changed). Click in the drop down to select a value.


This is a field with a preset list of system values to choose from (i.e. they can not be changed). Click in the drop down to select a value.


Click in the drop down to select the Sector.


Notes that can be entered for the Contact.


More Information 

To add more information in the various sections, see the following:

Save the Company/Contact Details

The Save and Cancel buttons are located at the bottom of the form.

Click on the Save and Add to Project button to save the information


Click on the Cancel button to cancel the add or edit of the Company and Contact details.

Next Steps

Bidding - Select Participants

Bidding - Send Project Message (including invitation to bids)

Bidding - Managing

Bidding - Award

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