Bidding Messaging List - Filter - Misc

Suggested Prior Reading

Bidding Messaging List - Accessing

Bidding Messaging List - Layout

Bidding Messaging List - Search and Filter

Bidding Messaging List - Filter

Filter Participants - Misc

The Miscellaneous section of Filter Participants has the following options. Some are checkboxes and some are drop down lists, where one or in some cases more than one option can be checked.

For checkbox filter options, see Bidding Messaging List - Filter - Checkboxes for more information on selecting and unselecting them.

For dropdown filter options, see Bidding Messaging List - Filter - Dropdowns for more information on selecting and unselecting them.

Has Print Order

Display only those Contacts that have ordered prints.

This is a checkbox filter option. Click on this to toggle it on/off.

Has Downloaded

Display only those Contacts that have downloaded prints.

This is a checkbox filter option. Click on this to toggle it on/off.

Has Visited

Display only those Contacts that have visited Jobplanner and viewed the project.

This is a checkbox filter option. Click on this to toggle it on/off.

Is Selected

Display only those Contacts that have been selected to have a message sent to (this is a way to view all the selected Bid Participants and verify them before sending the message).

This is a checkbox filter option. Click on this to toggle it on/off.

Public and Private Contacts

There are two types of Contacts that can be entered, ones that are entered by the Users of the system from your organization and others that are setup and maintained by JobPlanner itself. The contacts setup by JobPlanner are considered PUBLIC contacts (and may be available to other organizations). Contacts that are added by Users from your company are considered PRIVATE and won't be available to be viewed or accessed by anyone outside your organization. PUBLIC contacts must be turned on by JobPlanner. They are turned off by default. Contact JobPlanner directly for more information. Therefore, by default this setting does not apply.

This is a One Option Drop Down. Click on the drop down and make the selection if it does apply.

Public and Private Sector

Each Company can be set as either private sector or public sector (or neither i.e. this is left blank). See View or Edit an Existing Contact for more information.

To filter the Messaging list to show only private sector contacts or only public sector contacts; click in the drop down and select the filter to apply.

This is a One Option Drop Down. Click on the drop down and make the selection.

All Labor Statuses

Each Contact can have one or more Labor Statuses set (or they can have no Labor Status set i.e. this is left blank). See View or Edit an Existing Contact for more information.

This is a Multiple Selection Option Drop Down. To filter the Messaging list to show only certain labor status: click in the drop down and click on all labor statuses to apply. Click anywhere outside of the drop down to exit the drop down list.

All Certifications

Each Contact can have one or more Certifications set. See View or Edit an Existing Contact for more information.

To filter the Messaging list to show Contacts only certain Certifications:

  1. Click in the All Certifications drop down (this drop drop will be labelled All Certifications if none selected or it will list the Certifications)
  2. Click on a Certification to select it. If more than one Certification applies, click on additional Certifications to select those (each selected will have a check mark)
  3. Click on a Certification again to remove the check mark (if required)
  4. Click anywhere outside of the drop down to exit the drop down list.

The selected items will show as the drop down title.

Note* If a Certification is selected, Contacts with no certifications set, won't appear.

See Also

Bidding Messaging List - Filter - Status

Bidding Messaging List - Filter - Trades

More Information

See Bidding Messaging List – View for changing the way the list displays.

See Bidding Messages List – Groups for how to navigate the list depending on the view set.

Next Steps

Bidding - Add Participant

Bidding - Select Participants

Bidding - Send Project Message (including invitation to bids)

Bidding - Managing

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