Bid Participant - Copy from another Project

Suggested Prior Reading

Bids - Overview and Accessing

Bid Messaging List - Layout

Bid Messages List – View Options

Bid Messages List – Navigation

Add Bid Participant

To Copy Participants from another Project

  1. From the Bid Messaging List (see Add Bid Participant), click the Add Participants button.
  2. From the Add Participant drop down list, click From Another Project button

The Add Participants From Project form appears. The list of active projects is displayed. The Select Projects section of the form is expanded.

  1. This list can be narrowed by searching for a project by typing a name in the search bar.
  1. Click on the selection box (to fill it in) for any projects to copy the bid participants from. Repeat as necessary to select more projects to copy from.
  2. Click the Continue button when the projects have been selected.

The Select Projects section of the form is collapsed and the Select Trades section of the form is expanded.

Note* To return to the list of Projects, select the Previous Step button.

  1. The list of Trades can be searched to narrow the list.
  2. It can also be selected by Parent. If there is only one tier or level of trades, then "No Parent" is displayed. Click on that to see the list.
  3. Click on/off the Trades to select to copy.
  4. Click Continue

The Select Trades section of the form is collapsed and the Finalize section of the form is expanded.

Note* To return to the list of Trades, select the Previous Step button.

The Number of Projects selected and the Number of Trades selected is displayed.

  1. There is also a Response drop down. To select only those bid participants that have a certain Response status on the projects being copied from, such as Accept or Awarded, click on the Response drop down and select the appropriate selection.
    1. A check mark appears next to the option. Select as many responses as appropriate by clicking on more if required.
    2. To remove an option, click on it again
    3. Click anywhere of the drop down list of exit out of it. The responses selected are displayed.
    To choose to copy all Bid Participants from other Projects regardless of their response, leave this drop down blank.
  2. Click Add Participants.

The Message list will have those contacts now displayed. Those copied contacts will be automatically set to have an email invite sent to them.

Next Steps

Bids - Select Participants

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