Bidding Messaging List – Row Types - Companies
Suggested Prior Reading
Bidding Messaging List - Accessing
Bidding Messaging List - Overview
Bidding Messaging List - Layout
Bidding Messaging List – Groups
Bidding Messaging List – Row Types
Company Row
The Company row displays in different Views. See Bidding Messaging List – View.
The Company row can be a top level row or it can be farther down in the hierarchy.
The following is an example of the columns displayed for the Company Row. This is the View set to Companies and all top level Company rows displaying in a collapsed mode.
Company Rows will be color coded according to show the status that is farthest along in the process. See Bidding Managing – Bid Response - Status and Bid Amounts and Bids - Managing for more information.

The Company Row can be expanded out to show Contacts and Contacts can be expanded to show Contact Trades. See Bidding Messaging List – Groups - Expanding and Collapsing for more information. As well, see below for examples of expanding out the Companies Row.
The Company columns that display can be changed. Also, if a Company row is expanded out to show Contact group level rows, the columns for the Contact rows can also be changed. See Bidding Messaging List - Related Settings.
The Company columns can be sorted, see Bidding Messaging List – Navigation - Sort Columns.
The Company Row columns can be moved. See Moving Columns.
Company Row Columns
Some of the columns for the Company Row are specific to the Bidding process for this project (such as the bid amount) and some are standard columns that don't change between projects (such as the company name).
The following are the default columns displayed for the Company Row. The type of column, standard or Bidding Process specific will also be identified. For the full list of columns that can be displayed for each view, see Bidding Messaging List - View Settings - Company Columns.
Column | Type | Description |
Company | Standard | The Company Name |
Trades | Standard | This column shows all the trades for all the Contacts added as Bidding Participants for this Company. If the View is set to Trades by Company, this column won't show on the Company Row as it is already grouped by Trade. If the View is set to Companies, this column shows by default but can be set by the user to not display. These Trades will also show on the Contact Trades row (when Companies and Contacts are group levels and expanded out) |
Status | Bidding Process Specific | The status that is farthest along in the process for this Company is displayed. See Bids - Managing for more information. The View will determine how this is set and what happens if it is changed. Statuses can be set at the Company group level and propagated down to Contact and Contact Trade statuses OR Statuses of Contacts and Contact Trades within the Company can be changed and the status farthest along in the process will rollup and be used to automatically set the Company Status See Bidding Managing – Bid Response - Status and Bid Amounts for more details on how this works. |
Bid Total | Bidding Process Specific | This is calculated automatically by adding up all the Bid Amounts entered for each Contact in the Company.
See Bidding Managing – Bid Response - Status and Bid Amounts for more details on how this works. |
Comments | Bidding Process Specific | This column displays the latest comment entered for the Company as well as icons that can be clicked to:
Grade | Standard & Bidding Process Specific | The averaged Grade for the Company for all projects and bidding processes that the Company has been added to and have been rated. Bidding Process Specific but averaged at the Company level. This also contains functionality to view and set the Grade for this specific Bidding process. See Bidding Messaging List - Company Grades for more information. |
Contacts | Bidding Process Specific | The number of Company Contacts that have been added to this Bidding Messaging List. The View and Groups will drive how this is set. For example, if the View is Companies, the top level group is the Company, then all Contacts assigned as Bid Participants are totaled to get the number. If the View is Trades by Company, only the Companies with that trade and their Contacts with that Trades are totaled together (so it is added by Trade and Company). |
Company Row - Expanded to Show Contacts
The following is an example of the view set to Companies. The Company row (MARKSON SUPPLIES) has three Contacts. The Company row is expanded out to show the Contacts. Each Contact row has a Status is color coded by status (with the PENDING having no color). The Contact with the status that is farthest along in the Bidding process is rolled up to display in the in the Status column on the Company row above.

See also:
Bidding Messaging List – Row Types - Contacts
Bidding Messaging List – Row Types - Contact Trades
More Information
Bidding Messaging List - Search and Filter
Next Steps
Bidding - Send Project Message (including invitation to bids)